Sunday, July 28, 2013

Lessons from Nana: “If You Lay With Dogs, You Get Fleas”

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As much as this might seem like a lesson from the veterinarian’s office, it’s not. My grandmother was raised around farmers much of her young life, and I am sure that this lesson might have begun in a barn somewhere, but it is a lesson that always stuck with me. As many times as I heard this, I learned it the hard way.
Note: If when I share this lesson, you get a mental image of a cute, fluffy puppy, let's get a closer look at the creepy nature of fleas. Fleas are serious business...nobody wants this...nobody!!
I digress. On with the lesson...
Once upon a time (too many years to admit to), I had a group of friends who found fun in bad habits. I stumbled my way into that group because I thought they were cool and they let me hang out with them. It must have been obvious to everyone but me that I started acting differently…and not in a good way. I wanted to be accepted so I started doing things they did. I began talking more like them. I starting doing things they did, so I could be “cool” too.

It only took getting into trouble a few times (OK, SEVERAL times) to realize, I was not being me. It also did not take too long for me to realize that I had to act like someone else to get them to like me, so they probably really did not like me for who I really was.

Several lessons were learned about how we tend to pick up “fleas” when we are hanging around barnyard dogs. Most important was that I would rather be disliked for who I am, than loved for who I am not!
My Nana wanted me to know the same thing I want my MiniMe and all of my sweet CurtsyGirls to know:
-You are Beautiful!
-You are God's Masterpiece!
-You are Special!
-You were created to be YOU!
-Do not compromise yourself or your values to fit in!
-If you have to be someone else to fit in, those people are NOT your friends!

CurtsyGirls Character Challenge: Be your very best you! While you are being your best self, you will attract friends who are also being their best selves! Let your "best you" filter all the "dogs" out!


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