Let me start here – Do not miss this:
Beautiful women are women with character.
Charming women are women with character.
It is, and always will be, my
thought that beauty is an outward expression of our relationship with ourselves
and an illustration of the way we honor the gift, of our bodies, that God gave
Likewise, beauty (or charm)
without character will be an epic failure. Period.
I am not making that up; God said
Proverbs 31:30 - New International Version
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Truth? We all want to be beautiful
and charming – and we are HARD WIRED to be that way. Because used the way God
designed, once we have a relationship with Him and develop our character, we
will want to care for ourselves (Beauty), and we will naturally want to be in healthy
relationship with others (Charm).
Beauty includes hygiene, and
Beauty – This is the way we honor
what God gave us. We compliment the color of our eyes, or the waves in our
hair. We care about our health. We dress ourselves modestly but beautifully. We
adorn ourselves and COMPLIMENT, not COVER UP what we were given.
Hygiene – This is a big part of
our outward expression. We care for our skin, groom ourselves, and clean our bodies.
These are functions of honoring ourselves and taking time to reinforce the care
for what we got from God at birth.
Health – This is also a function
of caring for ourselves by being careful about what we put into our bodies and
how well we treat our own physical state. We do this to strengthen ourselves.
Beauty, hygiene, and health are
Contests to see how much makeup we
can buy and apply - My blogs, pictures and tutorials are NOT for the purpose of
selling you products or making you feel like you don’t have what someone else
does. In every case that I can, I will present cost efficient ways to achieve
the looks I share with you.
Mean ways we can point out what
others might be doing differently with their grooming or hygiene. Don’t shave
your legs yet? Cool. Not our business. Wax? Also fine with us. I want you to be
equipped to make those decisions with your family about what is right for you,
in your time. I am here to educate on all different forms of grooming and
hygiene, make suggestions, and provide you with shortcuts.
Benchmarks about how thin you
should be, what size you should be, or how often you should work out. Like
walks? Take them. Enjoy the feeling of a good run. Good for you. Work out every
day? Your business. Want to mix things up a few days a week? Great. These are
your expressions, with yourself, about what is right for you.
Time is my love language and I
spend time writing because I genuinely love you – yes, even though I do not
know some of you. Why? Because I remember not having the guidance I needed to
make good decisions for myself during a tough time in life when I really needed
to have some help. I never want any of you to experience that. I am here as a
friend and guide. Most of you are lucky to have mothers active in your life (take
a moment to thank God and your Mom). I am not looking to replace them, I want
to help them too because there can never be enough support and encouragement
for women of any age.
Want to REALLY be beautiful? Gloss
is great, mascara is nice, but before you put a thing on that pretty face, know WHO you are and WHOSE you are.
Ephesians 2:10 - New Living Translation
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created
us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
The Original CG
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